Energy matching – Horizon 2020 project
Energy matching – Horizon 2020 project
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LudvikaHem is part of an international development project “Energy matching” funded via Horizon2020. The Swedish companies / organizations included in the project are Ferroamp, Nibe, Dalarna University and LudvikaHem. There are a total of 16 companies, universities and institutes from 6 different countries included in the project.
The project "Energy matching", which in short means matching different types of energy from different energy sources, heat pump, solar cells, etc. and how energy storage can be used. LudvikaHem will use three already existing rental houses to create a demo facility.
The houses in Sunnansjö are situated in Ludvika Municipality. The Energy matching project is scheduled to last until 2021.
This is the first time a Ludvik company participates in a Horizon 2020 project. High Voltage Valley has and will contribute with the support and skills to search and implement the project.
LudvikaHem and High Voltage Valley will host an activity for all project participants from all countries involved in April 2018.
For more information, send an email to
LudvikaHem AB is a public housing company, owned by the municipality of Ludvika. The company has the object of acquiring, selling, owning, building and managing real estate or leaseholds with housing, business and related collective equipment.
The purpose of the company's business is to help promote housing supply in the municipality of Ludvika and thereby create good living environments for the inhabitants.

Student project in solar energy in Ludvika
Friday 11 January 2018, students from Dalarna University visited High Voltage Valley to present the results from two projects performed as part of a Project Management and Organization Course,
The 15 students from all over the world are enrolled in a master program in solar energy. The projects have been performed in cooperation with High Voltage Valley, Ludvika municipality, LudvikaHem and VB Elnät.
The project Energy Matching aims at integrating solar energy in apartment houses in Sunnansjö and thereby minimizing use of pellets as well as electricity from the grid"