About High Voltage Valley
About High Voltage Valley
The purpose of the High Voltage Valley is to further develop the leading position, the region already have, in electric power engineering. Our mission is that High Voltage Valley should be the arena where different actors and competencies collaborate, to develop tomorrow's technologies and companies, in electric power engineering.
High Voltage Valley was formed in late 2005 and the initiator was the regional development company, AB Samarkand2015 in cooperation with ABB, STRI, KTH, Uppsala University and Chalmers. DHW is since 2014 a regular part of AB Samarkand2015's business.
High Voltage Valley is a neutral platform, a cluster initiative * where academia, large and small companies and public actors cooperate in different areas that are important to secure and further develop the region's world-leading position in electric power engineering. In concrete terms, cooperation on research, development of innovations and new businesses, development of existing suppliers to the electric power industry as well as to ensure the industry's need for skills. High Voltage Valley has evolved from research to also include other areas that are important to create innovation and economic growth.
Work often results in various development projects in which High Voltage Valley along with companies, academia and companies develop new services, products or processes.
High Voltage Valley often write an application for co-financing of projects to Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket), VINNOVA, the Swedish Energy Agency, The Regional Development Council of Dalarna County (Region Dalarna) and / or municipalities.
Ongoing project can be found here!
Film on You Tube about High Voltage Valley!
* An organized development between industry, academia and public players in a given industry with the aim to create innovation and economic growth.
Source: Tillväxtverket
High Voltage Valley is the enabler that, with leading technology builds future energy-efficient society.
High Voltage Valley is an entirely externally financed project owned by the development company AB Samarkand2015 .
Samarkand2015 is owned in equal parts by Ludvika and Smedjebacken municipalities, Dalarna County Council , ABB in Ludvika and Ovako in Smedjebacken through an economic association "Samarkand2015 " .
High Voltage Valley has a steering group with representatives from companies , universities and public actors. To strengthen our expertise in electrical engineering , we have appointed en expert panel. We have group working with one of our latest projects, High Voltage Valley Walk. Both groups contribute important expertise to the steering group.